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Veterinary Technologists come to us when looking for a new career opportunity. Let us help you in finding the newest member of your team! The MVTA exclusively posts jobs for RVTs in Manitoba as well as unique opportunities in Canada.
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The Alberta Veterinary Technologist Association (ABVTA); the Saskatchewan Association of Veterinary Technologists (SAVT) and the Manitoba Veterinary Technologists Association (MVTA) commissioned this review. All three Associations are professional membership associations for registered veterinary technologists within their respective provinces.
The objective of the 2022 Registered Veterinary Technologist Compensation Review was to gain a comprehensive understanding of compensation and benefits provided to Prairie Registered Veterinary Technologist (RVT)s this includes determining aggregate provincial and cross-provincial compensation practices.
The primary goal for the review was to identify gaps and opportunities in said practices and make recommendations to achieve consistency for RVT compensation and benefits. In addition, information gathered provides a baseline for future surveys and establishes common duties and responsibilities within the profession.
The Value of an RVT
In 2018, ACER Consulting conducted a survey as a part of a larger study to explore the function, level of utilization, impact, and ultimately the value that Registered Veterinary Technicians (RVTs) bring to Ontario veterinary practices.
There was a STRONG positive association between annual gross
revenue per vet and the number of RVTs per vet – each extra
RVT per vet increased gross revenues per vet by
over $78,000.
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- Job ads are $85 (no GST) for two months which includes one eblast to members
- $15 for an additional eblast to members
- All job ads must be paid for in advance by credit card
- If you would like to extend your ad, please complete the “add to your job post” form found on the right and must be submitted prior to your ad expiring.
All ads will be reviewed prior to being posted on the website. There may be a delay of 3-5 business days from when the ad was submitted to when it gets posted. We thank you for your patience.
The MVTA reserves the right to edit job ads*
Hiring An RVT
Staying Competitive

The MVTA conducted a 2022 RVT Compensation Review, in collaboration with the Alberta and Saskatchewan veterinary technologist associations, to better understand the compensation and working conditions of Registered Veterinary Technologists in the prairie provinces. The results were concerning and revealed a number of issues related to compensation, working conditions, and benefits, including a lack of correlation between compensation and years of practice or level of specialization, inconsistent starting wages for new graduates, limited paid training, and inconsistent benefits schemes.
Given the shortage of experienced RVTs and the dog population almost doubling since 2007, it is crucial for employers to offer attractive compensation packages to attract and retain employees. This includes recognizing years of experience and providing exponential increases with each year of service.
To address these issues, we strongly recommend implementing a wage transparency policy in your practice to promote fairness and equity. We also suggest reviewing and implementing the recommendations in our report, which include evaluating employee performance based on job requirements and separating performance evaluations from compensation and wage increases.
In conclusion, it is imperative for employers to provide comprehensive compensation packages and regularly review and increase pay to attract and retain RVTs, especially those with experience and specialty training. A focus on compensation is crucial in addressing the shortage of veterinary technologists in the industry.
To review the report and the recommendations, click HERE.