Manitoba Veterinary Technologists Association
Board of Directors

Board Roles

The Board of Directors for the Manitoba Veterinary Technologists Association (MVTA) is comprised of 10 dedicated veterinary professionals. Elected by members, these committed volunteers advocate and promote the veterinary technologist profession throughout Manitoba as well as on a national level. By leading and supporting the interests of technologists in the province, the MVTA’s objective is to advance the profession through education opportunities and advocating for greater scope of practice, while also growing public awareness of the role a technologist plays in veterinary medicine.

Members of the MVTA Board of Directors, have represented technologists on the following boards/committees:

- MVTA Advisory Committee
- MVMA Council
- National VTA Executive Director Committee
- RRC Polytechnic VT Program Advisory Committee
- Robert VOA Advisory Committee
- MVMA Animal Welfare Committee
- MVMA/MVTA RVT Scope Veterinary Committee
- WCVM Workplace Health and Safety Advisory Committee
2024 MVTA Board of Directors
Jasmine Basset, RVT
Jenesis Caughy, RVT
Jessee-Lee LeBlanc, RVT
Courtney Smith, RVT
Trisha Lobaton, RVT
Dana Arnbjornsson, RVT
Carly Dreger, RVT